What are Cleveland Tramrail Overhead Cranes?
For over 100 years, Cleveland Tramrail® has been the industry leader in patented track overhead lifting. Since the beginning, Cleveland Tramrail® has been engineering monorails and under-hung crane systems to meet our customer’s heavy lifting needs. In 2002, Gorbel® added Cleveland Tramrail® to our already robust crane offering. It was the perfect combination, Gorbel’s award winning customer service and reliability extended to Cleveland Tramrail® Patented Track and Tarca Track bridge cranes.
Why Gorbel's Cleveland Tramrail?
Cleveland Tramrail® Patented Track and Pre-Engineered Tarca® Crane Systems continue to be the benchmark in overhead lifting cranes. We've built a reputation based on quality products, top notch service, engineering experience, and application knowledge. This combination allows us to provide flexible integrated solutions, including monorail systems and bridge cranes.
Cleveland Tramrail's unique Tarca Track, with its special raised tread and high carbon track, is superior to I-Beams in strength, durability, and consistency. Our rails permit the use of underhung carriers operating on a single straight, curved, or inclined track or operating on two or more straight track runways.