Laura Herd is a Technical Customer Service Representative and has been with Gorbel® for five and a half years!
Laura has a very busy life outside of the office. She is married and has a 14 year old daughter, 26 year old son and an 8 month old puppy. Her family keeps her motivated to come to work every day, and they push her to do the best job possible! Her biggest role model is her father; he always offered advice that she now looks back on and sees that he was right. Laura says that she hopes to have adopted his work ethic. Laura loves helping people and getting our dealers and their customers exactly what they need. Laura says there’s “nothing better than getting a ‘thank you’ email!”
Throughout the years, Laura has made many memories with her coworkers, but she certainly has a favorite. “I had been here just under a year and had received the Christmas bonus,” Laura says. “I went shopping that weekend and bought a new winter jacket. I was working up in the Cleveland Tramrail® factory and had to go down to the Main factory for something. I walked through the paint area and brushed up against painted parts. YELLOW painted parts. The yellow paint showed up nicely on my new purple jacket! I was walking out of the factory and Melissa Wood and Robbie George saw my coat and the look on my face. They must have conspired to get me a new coat. Melissa went in the ladies bathroom in CT to get the brand and size from my coat that was soaking in a bucket. She came up to the factory with a brand new coat! I had tears in my eyes as that was just the sweetest gesture!”
Thank you for a wonderful 5 ½ years, Laura – here’s to many more!