Enrico Sabelli is our Software Controls Engineer and has been with us for over four years! Enrico and his wife live in Canandaigua and have a very busy life outside of Gorbel®! In his free time, Enrico likes to learn as much as he can, whether it’s trying to fix stuff around the house, researching tech trends, or just nerding out on informative YouTube videos, he’s always game for any opportunity to broaden his horizons.

Enrico’s favorite part of his job is playing with all the toys. “Whether it’s programming innovative features for our intelligent cranes, customizing functionality for our customers, or devising new tests for our products, every day provides me with a different challenge and the opportunity to learn something new,” Enrico said.
Enrico loves being a part of the Product Development team because it allows him to witness all the engineering needed to ensure that all of our products are safe, durable and easy to use. A lot of technology goes into our Intelligent Lifting Devices and our SafeGait® systems and we are always looking for ways to take them to the next level.
His favorite memory occurred while we were in the process of finalizing the design of our SafeGait 360®. “Our partner facilities had brought in a real patient to test our device,” Enrico said. “She had previously been paralyzed from the waist down and was actually able to start her journey toward walking again – right in our factory – with SafeGait® supporting her. I’ll never forget the ear-to-ear smile on her face as she took her first steps in a very long time and the pride I felt for helping to create a product that would improve people’s lives.”
Thank you for everything you do, Enrico!