Santiago Gordillo has been with Gorbel® since January of 2018. Part of what Santiago does as a Service & Application Engineer is work with After the Sales Service by assisting customers and dealers with issues or concerns they might have regarding an order. He focuses mainly on Mexico, and supports them with G-Force® and electrical problems.

In his free time, Santiago says he leads a pretty normal life. He plays soccer every week and he loves traveling, he tries to travel every other weekend and explore cities near Rochester.
Santiago accomplished something major recently. On August 2, 50 people, including Santiago Gordillo, became US citizens in Rochester’s City Hall! Santiago was born and raised in Quito, Ecuador. He moved to the US when he was 18 to go to college at Rochester Institute of Technology. In order to become a permanent resident, he had to physically be in the US for five years before he could apply for citizenship. After nearly six years of living in Rochester, Santiago applied for his citizenship this year. After many trips to Buffalo, many emails and papers filed, Santiago had to take his final exam… and he passed!! Santiago is so happy he got the opportunity to become an American citizen, and we are so excited to have him!

Thank you so much for everything you do at Gorbel®, Santiago!