September 13th marks Jeff McNeil’s 25th year with Gorbel!

Jeff McNeil, our VP of Marketing and Innovation, is celebrating his 25th anniversary with the Gorbel® family! Jeff has spent a lot of his adult life at Gorbel, but when he’s not here he has a very hectic life. Jeff has three daughters, two of which are in college, and the third in high school. Jeff also loves building and fixing things, learning how things work, and just generally working with his hands.
Jeff said that he can’t pin down an exact favorite memory, but he loves the generosity of the people he works with. “If I could put some of my favorite memories into category, it would be the generosity of the people I work with,” Jeff explains. “Some of the memories that come to mind were the Carnival’s of Caring we have had over the years…. Watching employees get involved, challenge each other, have fun and raise thousands of dollars is awesome. There are other times when employees have raised money or helped coworkers (sometimes people they don’t even know) who have had some tragedy or hardship. There are more examples than the ones I just raised. The reason the generosity is my favorite moment is because in those moments, I see great, generous, and compassionate sides of people that I don’t normally get to see in our daily work. It is a great feeling to work with people like that.”
Jeff loves being part of a successful team. It’s what truly motivates him. Jeff focuses on what success looks like in the long and short term, and from that, he works with others to come up with projects to reach that level of success. “It is amazing to see people engage in those projects, take on challenges, and work hard to complete the project and enjoy success. It is exciting to be around people that are dedicated, want to do the right thing the right way, and work to be successful,” explains Jeff.
Jeff has been fortunate to have many people in his life as mentors, but two in particular that hit close to home. “I learned a lot from Dave Reh and David Butwid,” Jeff noted. “When I first came to Gorbel, they took an interest in me, challenged me, taught me, gave the opportunities to learn and grow, and supported me when I was successful and when I was not. I learned a lot about business, people, and leadership from each of them. I am thankful for both of them.”
Congratulations on 25 years at Gorbel, Jeff! How about 25 more??