JoAnne Wilson, our Credit Manager, has been with Gorbel® for 25 years!

As Gorbel’s Credit Manager, JoAnne’s days consist of closely monitoring customer accounts to ensure timely payment, reviewing new orders that exceed customer payments and all in all making sure we get paid for the product everyone works so hard to produce!
Outside of Gorbel, JoAnne can be found in her art studio, teaching fitness classes (including those here at Gorbel!), or selling her art at craft shows. She has been married for 31 years to “a very patient man who has put up with [her] craziness.” The two of them have an adult son who lives and works in Manhattan.
JoAnne runs an amazing fitness classes at Gorbel NY! She runs stretch classes, HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), and weight classes. Gorbel employees can go on their lunch break and get a great workout with a great instructor. JoAnne makes the classes so fun, you forget you’re getting a workout in!
JoAnne’s role model is her dad. “He lost most of his hearing in the service,” JoAnne says. “Despite that, he worked as a welder while going to night school at RIT to become an engineer while raising a family. Both of my parents made a lot of personal sacrifices during this time. I was twelve years old when he graduated – I remember how proud I was of him. He’s 82, exercises every day, drives a Mustang convertible and meets his buddies for Taco Tuesday – I like that!”
As for Gorbel, JoAnne’s favorite part of her job is interacting with dealers – old, new, and everything in between. She enjoys catching up with our legacy dealers, and fostering relationships with new dealers and having tricky conversations with customers that end up in a win for both parties. JoAnne loves our strong, positive culture here at Gorbel. “We work hard and have fun. We never stop evolving!” JoAnne has had the same job title for most of her 25 years here at Gorbel, but she is never bored around here!
You are such a positive energy at Gorbel, JoAnne!