The increasing popularity and availability of remote work can be tricky to navigate, for businesses and employees. While remote work has its advantages, there is something special about collaborating with colleagues face-to-face and meeting new people. A hybrid working model offers a balanced solution. One of the latest initiatives at Gorbel® is to optimize the hybrid workplace by providing innovative new spaces called Touchdown Stations.
What Are Touchdown Stations?
Touchdown Stations are intermediary workspaces designed for employees who split their time between remote work and the office. Each station has a fully functional cubicle setup that employees can reserve as needed. PJ Steblen, a Systems Administrator who worked on the project, said “The intent behind the stations is essentially to give employees that we’ve had working remotely a chance to come in and have a centralized space.”
By bringing employees together, a hub is created that facilitates collaboration and boosts workplace culture. Employees who visit the office infrequently and do not want to maintain a personal cubicle benefit the most from the Touchdown Stations. While Gorbel® is in the initial stages of implementation, it is exciting to think how this could impact the overall use of space on our campuses.
More About Gorbel® Touchdown Stations
- There are ten Touchdown Stations strategically positioned at our Headquarters in Fishers, NY. They are co-located, making it easy for teams within specific departments to work side by side.
- Each station is outfitted with monitors, laptops, a keyboard, and mouse to ensure a seamless transition between locations. A docking station and USB-C cables help employees connect to their computer easily.
- A streamlined reservation process allows employees to check availability and plan collaborative sessions.
- Part of our company culture at Gorbel® is the idea that we “Defy Gravity,” literally and in spirit. PJ and the IT Team drew inspiration from this and named each Touchdown Station after a planet in the solar system.
The Touchdown Stations have been active for a few months now and many employees have had the chance to test them out. PJ has been tracking the activity, saying “We’ve seen anywhere from six to seven stations being used per week.” The biggest challenge so far has been keeping the stations orderly. Even though they are communal, PJ and the IT Department encourages everyone to treat them “as if they are your own.”
The Touchdown Station initiative exemplifies our commitment to innovation and willingness to take a chance on new ideas. Elevating the Gorbel® workplace reflects our foundational philosophies and dedication to pioneering positive change. Whether we are engineering solutions for the material handling industry or redesigning a campus building, our goal goes beyond improvements – our mission is to “Improve Lives.”