This Gorbel Work Station Jib Crane was spotted in the May/June 2015 issue of Practical Welding Today.
This is part two of the previous what's wrong application.
This crane spotting came from our rep that covers Virginia. It is the grand opening ceremony of a company called Hardide Coatings.
Gorbel's Easy Arm is helping a worker enjoy her job, injury free!
We just heard the news this morning, that the Gorbel-sponsored Victor High School Robotics Team were part of the winning alliance in the Greater Pittsburgh Regional FIRST Robotics competition.
This application was sent in by one of our Territory Reps. Can you tell what's wrong with this Ceiling Mounted Work Station Crane?
This crane spotting was sent in by one of our customer service reps who, in his free time, is into cars and motor sports. He came across this video posted on...