A distributor sent these pictures in when he came across this application in the field. Yikes! I would not want to be the one working under this mess of a ceiling hung system.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the Crane, Hoist and Monorail Partners on February 2, 2016, renewed their alliance to improve the safety and health of workers who manufacture and use cranes, hoists and monorails.
I was so excited when one of my co-workers sent me this crane spotting photo. The lovely lady that you see is Joanna Gaines of Fixer Upper, an HGTV show.
This crane spotting was sent to me by an employee who came across this picture in lecture material presented at a Crane Safety Training.
This one was sent in by one of our employees who was perusing the Albany news in November. She came across this article about Plug Power and spotted some Gorbel in the background of this photo.
This most recent image came from our Dealer Training presentation. Can you point out what is wrong with this Gantry Crane application?
A company that makes stone composite countertops is enjoying increased productivity and a safer work environment, thanks to a Gorbel work station crane.