Dear Gorbel® Community,
From time to time I like to share with you a taste of the Gorbel® culture. In that spirit, below is an internal memo that I sent to all Gorbel® employees earlier this week. The world is experiencing polarizing times. It was important to me to confirm and reinforce that Gorbel is a place where everyone is supported and valued.
Dear Team Gorbel®,
On Friday, January 27, the new administration issued an executive order that restricts entry, including reentry, into the U.S. for citizens and nationals of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen on both immigrant visas (permanent residence or green card) and non-immigrant visas. While this order is defined as temporary and does not directly affect any current Gorbel® employees, it also contemplates that additional countries could be added to the banned list at some point in the future. Additionally, the administration and some members of Congress have expressed a desire to revisit certain work-related visa programs (such as H1-B), potentially affecting visa holders from countries other than those named in the recent executive order. This may create fear and uncertainty for all non-U.S. citizens, as it is not possible to predict if additional country bans may come in the future.
I am proud that Gorbel® has a growing number of employees who are immigrants. My opinion is that this growing diversity enriches our environment and offers a wider perspective when dealing with daily challenges and opportunities. It better equips us to deal with the global economy. And, quite honestly, I think it creates a more positive environment where traditions are proudly shared and openly celebrated.
Let me be clear. The purpose of this note is not to increase fear or voice a political opinion. Not one bit. It is solely to let the Gorbel® community know that all employees are loved and valued here (U.S. non-citizens and citizens alike). We will be making clear to our local elected representatives that the talents and skills of those here at Gorbel® on work visas are vital to our business success. Our HR team is consistently monitoring and studying decisions from our government that might impact you, your family members, or someone dear to you. Please do not hesitate to bring your questions forward to your leader, HR, or me personally. We are here to support you.