Gorbel®’s mission is “We Improve People’s Lives” and that is carried out in every aspect of the business, including the culture. Gorbel® President, Brian Reh, says, “My goal is that our mission is not simply words on a wall, but in the air our team breathes.” I could not think of a better way to illustrate the importance of implementing Corporate Social Responsibility into work culture.
At Gorbel®, that is exactly what it’s all about, making a positive impact with everything they do.
Corporate Social Responsibility as a general definition means a business approach that contributes to sustainable development by delivering economic, social and environmental benefits for all stakeholders. By implementing a Corporate Social responsibility program into the overall business values of an organization, it allows the program to be supported by employees and aids in creating a strong culture that recognizes the importance of CSR. Thus, when CSR is incorporated into the culture and supported by employees it creates a work environment that is supportive, engaging and meaningful. Additionally, CSR in the work culture gives employees a purpose for the overall business model and allows employees to feel passionate about their efforts. Giving back and fostering sustainable initiatives is at the forefront of an organization that implements CSR into their overall culture. Gorbel® has put considerable effort into fostering a workplace culture that emphasizes collaboration and team work, encourages creativity, promotes a positive workplace environment, and encourages professional and personal growth.
At Gorbel®, CSR is viewed as utilizing resources to be a good steward to neighbors, communities, and employees. Gorbel® is consistently operating to be a good steward by:
• Implementing the Employee Wellness Program, which allows the employees to take control of their health;
• Planning family events, such as the annual family picnic at Seabreeze, Breakfast with Santa, and Easter Egg hunts;
• Supporting innovation in schools by sponsoring a –local high school robotic team and the Paradigm Hyperloop student team;
• Volunteering- at Cameron Street Ministries; and
• Organizing the annual Carnival of Caring that helps raise funds for local organizations.
At Gorbel®, people are passionate about ensuring that their efforts are making a difference, that their efforts stand for something, and to above all help others. Gorbel® has a strong team that is dedicated to helping others and committed to improving the greater good. That’s why Gorbel®’s culture is one of kind because it’s made up of strong values and passionate people who are committed to making a positive difference.