Tether Track™ Makes Working at New Heights Worth It for Manufacturing Company


Better Engineering manufactures custom, industrial-grade part cleaning machines. In 2021, they moved to a larger facility and realized that employees would need reliable fall protection when working at increased heights.

The Problem

Their previous facility had 15’ ceilings and workers predominantly used ladders to access larger machines when necessary. With 30’ ceilings in their new facility, management knew that the average size of the machines they manufactured was going to increase along with the height at which employees were working. They wanted a fall protection system that could cover their entire manufacturing floor while still providing easy mobility.

The Solution

Better Engineering installed three Tether Track™ rails that provide total coverage of the manufacturing floor. Each rail is between a 150’-160’ and allows workers to access multiple production areas without going through a lengthy unstrapping/restrapping process. Workers can complete welding, piping, and support structure projects from an average of 18’ in the air with ease. In the words of one Team Lead, “It’s convenient, quick, easy to put on, and it makes you feel safe.” 

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